If you register before mid-February for the coming class of March 9 & 10, 2024, you will receive a free-advanced package valued at about $500.
Including a starter package and six months
Access to the SMP CraftMaster Training Platform
3,300.00 CAD
Scalp Micropigmentation is more than an aesthetic solution for men and women who suffer from hair loss. SMP treatment primarily restores self-confidence with a natural result!
The process is a non-invasive procedure that uses tiny deposits of pigment to simulate the appearance of natural hair follicles on bald or thinning hair areas of the scalp.
The Scalp Micropigmentation course is the only training in the world where only 2 to 3 clients will pay off your full training cost! You pay only $2,200 for full online credit or $3300 for a full in-class training program, while the average price of SMP service is between $2000 to $3500 for each client!
After completing online or in-class SMP training programs, all students will receive an international Scalp Micropigmentation Artist Certificate.
Scalp Micropigemntation is a unique solution for hair loss, one of the most common issues of many men and women worldwide. Golden Pulse Academy’s SMP artist training is an advanced educational program designed to teach all students this novel treatment.
SMP training does not require previous experience in the beauty industry. You can work as an SMP artist, expand your services or establish your new business right after completing this course and receiving your international certification.